Hey there my fellow weightlifters, crossfitters, and general barbell enthusiasts.
In case you didn't know the biggest weightlifting meet in Colorado (and one of the biggest in the country) is coming up on November 9th and 10th. It is at Skip's place (frontrangecrossfit.com). I will be competing in the 94 (206#) class. I have had many members ask me about weightlifting programs in the past and I thought I would share with you my exact training schedule for the next 7 weeks in preparation for the meet. So here you go.
4 days a week of nothing but lifting weights (my dream come true). Rest days can be "active" but no wods (with the exception of tough pumpkin of course.... and to my teammates I apologize for any lacking cardio skills in the competition).
The program looks like this:
Sept 22nd - Oct 19th
Day 1
snatch 3, 2, 1
jerks 3, 2, 1
squat 3 sets x 5 w/ same or with -5% and -10% work down sets.
RDL 3x5
Day 2
clean 3, 2, 1
push press 3 sets x 5
squat 3 sets x 5 (10% less than work set day 1)
Snatch lift off 3x5
Day 3
snatch (x2, x1 x1)x2
clean and jerk (x2, x1, x1)x2
front squat 3x3
RDLs 3 sets X 3
Day 4
snatch from knee blocks 2x3
clean and push press from block 2x3
pull ups 3x10
Clean lift off 3x5
Week 1, 95%,
Week 2, 85%
Week 3, 100% (go for new pr)
Week 4, 80%
All squats, and accessory work is AHAP
Oct 20th - Nov 2nd
Day 1
snatch 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (one top single, then -5%, -10%)
jerks 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (one top single, then -5%, -10%)
squat 3 sets x 3 w/ all same or with -5% and -10% 2nd and 3rd work down sets.
Snatch lift offs – 3 sets x 3 AHAP
Day 2
clean 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (one top single, then -5%, -10%)
push press 3 sets x 3 (AHAP)
squat 3 sets x 3 (10% less than top work set day 1)
Clean Lift offs 3 sets x 3 reps (AHAP)
Day 3
snatch (x1, x1 x1 top set) x 3
clean and jerk (x1 , x1, x 1 top set) x 2
front squat 3x3 (all three sets at top work set %)
RDLs 3 sets X 3 (AHAP
Day 4
snatch from knee blocks 2x2
clean and push press from block 2x2
pull ups 3x10
Clean lift off 3x3
week 1: 90%
week 2: 100% (new pr day)
Meet week (nov 3rd - nov 10th)
Tuesday :
Snatch 3x1 @ 85%
C/J, 2x1@ 85%
Back Squat 3x3 @ 85%
Thursday :
Work up to openers then Back Squat 3x3 @ 80%
That is it. Lots of reps and squats. The percentages are based on "supercompensation" meaning beat yourself up one week, give yourself some rest, then beat your self up at a higher percentage, then get more rest, then keep repeating this process until you peak at the meet week.
For Nutrition I am looking to cut back a few lbs, so I will be switching to paleo + whole milk as a post workout supplement. It has worked wonders for me in the past. I feel strong and light. A good combination in weightlifting.
I hope this answers some questions you guys might have in the weightlifting program process. Hope to see you guys at the meet in November. and hopefully I will see you guys on the podium.
Carpe Ferrum my friends.