Friday, March 29, 2013

13.4 Clean and Jerk bonanza!

Alright mi amigos.  Time for 13.4.  It involves lots of cleaning and jerking so I am pretty excited that a workout is finally in my comfort (i will regret use of that word later in the post) domain.

This will be a short post because there really isn't a whole lot of strategy to a 7 minute amrap.

SO lets talk strategy:

For the Clean and Jerk, just like 13.1, you aren't going to fix your form in the next 2 hours.  So do what you can to get that particular weight overhead during the workout.  For those of you who can, I highly recommend doing triples.  I did 3 and 6 unbroken, then did triples the rest of the workout.  I felt like I could have easily done the round of 18 with this pace.  Do three, drop the bar, take a deep breath, then get right back on the bar.

If you cannot do doubles or triples, singles are still pretty fast in the workout, JUST KEEP MOVING.  IF you drop the bar every rep you must get right back on the bar.  Sorry, no rest for you today.

This is the most important suggestion I have for you: USE THE HOOK GRIP. and don't let it go during the jerk so you don't have to reset it every rep.  Tape your thumb and use it.  It will save your grip.  Watch the video.  I guess it shows you how to tape.  I haven't watched it.  Let me know if it is any good.

That is about it for C&J.  Find a set you can do indefinitely.  If it is singles, do it, but use your hook grip because I found out the hard way the t2b is gonna take away your grip strength.

My last set of 15 t2b I had to do singles because I was literally slipping off the bar during each rep.  If I could have gotten through the T2B any faster, I had several c&j left in me.  Grip was my only deciding factor in getting my 90 reps versus what I wanted (100 reps).  So again, on the c&j use your hook grip, and hang on for dear life.  Finally if you are resting, you are wasting too much time.  It is only 7 minutes.

Now if you'll excuse me I am gonna go find out if Christine and I are having a baby girl or a boy.  Any predictions?

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